
Healing with Excellence was created to help you do just that.

We are a multifaceted center, offering worldwide wellness programs and onsite education at our 10 acre retreat property in Florida.

Holistic health practitioner and founder, Kimberly Miller, created a safe haven, offering authentic solutions to chronic disease, pain and inflammation. Mental, physical and/or spiritual pain, can create dis-ease. HWE offers an integrative approach to provide solutions for each. We utilize a wide range of modalities and tools to eliminate cellular stress and provide harmony within the body. Our staff will work with you as an advocate to help you obtain your best life. We will work with your health care team to ensure you are receiving a methodical, effective approach to efficient renewal. Our goal is to save your time, money and quality of life. We are always working with these thoughts in mind. We utilize tried and true practices, along with modern day interventions to help accelerate healing and peace.

Your success is our JOY!

Integrative Solutions

Personal sessions and educational courses may include some or all of the wellness tools offered below.

Click here to learn about owner and creator Kimberly Miller

Click here to find other certified practitioners in your area.


Neuromuscular Restoration

Customized neuromuscular assessments to eliminate pain and improve performance/movement.


Lifestyle Review

Private session designed to assess current lifestyle impacts. Receive customized care plan to achieve optimal results.


Body heat activated frequency discs placed specifically to eliminate pain, anxiety and inflammation.


Laser Therapy

Litecure Class IV laser therapy to accelerate healing.


Customized cell regeneration review and care plan. Created by owner Kimberly Miller.



Learn how to reprogram the subconscious mind to prevent self sabotage and mental health imbalances.


Functional movement screening to identify faulty movement patterns to prevent pain and injury.



Microcurrent point stimulation. Like needle less acupuncture designed to relieve tension and release scar tissue.

Heart Rate Variability

Biofeedback tool offering customized health report. A great combination of western and eastern recommendations.


Sound Healing

Crystal quartz singing bowls designed to release internal blockage and pain through customized sound frequency.


Emotional perception re-framing tool. Learn which current beliefs are inhibiting you from experiencing your fullest life.


Equine/Pet Care

Environmental stress assessment, Psych- K and frequency modalities available to help keep your pet pain free and healthy!


Biofeedback tool designed to assess any imbalances throughout your 11 organ systems. Customized report.


Online Support

Customized sessions and workshops are offered internationally through email, Zoom, Facetime and Skype.


Massage services are offered by Faith Brooks, LMT and Neuromuscular Restoration Specialist.


Patient Advocacy

Client support with their medical team, communication with hospital staff, family members, care plans and help with desired blood chemistry results.

Natural Skincare

Provided by Faith Morgan Brooks, medical esthetician and neuromusclar restoration practitioner.

Chinese Herbalism

A facet of Traditional Chinese Medicine utilized to help the body return to homeostasis.

Micro-nutrient Testing

One micro-nutrient deficiency can lead to a variety of symptoms. Spectracell labs is our lab of choice.

Fitness Programming

A customized fitness routine can improve posture, support pain relief, performance and fat loss.