
“After many doctors visits and tests conducted, I was told I would never be able to conceive on my own and it would take the most invasive kind of IVF to have a chance at starting a family. I’m so glad I didn’t listen to them and instead started working with Kim on healing my body. God used her in many ways to help me not only physically but also emotionally. So grateful to have conceived my now 1 year old son. Kim’s care has truly changed my life!” ~ Kourtney P.

In 2015 I was in a car accident. I had already been struggling with endometriosis and chronic illness for decades. The car accident caused a spiral down effect with my health. After multiple surgeries, several specialists, an RA diagnosis in late 2019, an MRI chocked full of debilitating news, I decided I needed to try something different. At the time I met with Kim I was on supplements that were costing upwards around $300 a month along with multiple visits to chiropractors, acupuncturist and massage therapist. Those treatments would help but only for a short while. I was losing hope. The constant pain and discomfort made me feel like I would never be able be myself again. The idea of having a “normal” life seemed unobtainable. Enjoying outdoor activities, helping my husband on the farm, being independent, began to slip further away. I was beginning to think that having pain free days, wasn’t achievable. After my initial visit, I was skeptical. What she was asking me to do seemed relatively easy. I had been on so many diets in my life, I thought, what’s one more change in my eating habits? The difference was, this choice of foods was life changing. The care she gave was sincere. The treatments she used, gave me instant relief. After less than 90 days I was back to doing most of the activities I loved. I could get dressed with ease, I wasn’t dropping things, the swelling in my joints went away. I didn’t have migraines or fatigue. My pain melted away. As time continued so did my healing. My only regret is that I didn’t go to her sooner. But sometimes we have to fall before we can rise. I am truly passionate about what she does. It has not only helped me, her wisdom has allowed me to help others. She will provide you with all the knowledge you need to continue to progress. There is no way I can thank her enough for giving me my life back. God definitely blessed me the day I met her. I am forever grateful!

- Jessica A.


In 2010, at the age of 36, I had foot surgery which led to terrible bouts of nerve pain, muscle debilitation and loss of functional movement.  At one point, I was on six Gabapentin a day to alleviate the nerve pain and spent two years off and on crutches and walkers.  In addition, I sought help at the top medical facilities in the state, including USF Health and Shands at University of Florida.  I spent over $10,000 out-of-pocket in orthotics, acupuncture, plasma injections, physical therapy, neurologists, orthopedics, chiropractors and medications in one year alone.  None of it provided lasting relief and the medication haze just left me feeling foggy and depressed.  I felt close to giving up when I found Kim (in my own hometown no less!).  For the first time, I had a professional that took the time to analyze the whole picture, not just a body part.   She found serious gaps in my nutrition – eating what I thought was “healthy” (lentils, spinach, minimal meat and fat), was causing my body to increase its nerve pain and muscle loss.  She discovered functional movement patterns that were never addressed.  The process of healing took time and trust, but it truly gave me my life back.  I began seeing results within a few days of adding butter and red meat, not to mention pleasure with food again!  I consistently followed her protocols for therapy exercises and nutrition and was able to begin weaning myself off the medication while building strength, endurance and most importantly hope.  

The addition of NKT protocols and looking at the emotional component that stress and negative thoughts can play, increased my healing exponentially.  There are times where I can get out of “whack” due to stress or overdoing particular movements, but I always know she’s there to help guide me back to my best self. 

At 46, I honestly feel better than I did in my 20’s.  Kim has provided me with a toolkit of strategies and therapies that will serve me for a lifetime.  Where I once was relegated to a hopeless pain management waiting room, I now hike, strength train, bike, and look forward to playing with my grandchildren – even great-grandchildren one day.  To say that she gave me my life back is an understatement.  I will forever be grateful.  - Renee F.


Too much to list

I came to you after leaving the ER with them telling I have 3 kidney stones, not sure why both my kidneys were hurting, and there was nothing they could do for me. After lots of other tests like EKG and tests not pertaining to the kidney pain I came in with, I went home frustrated, in a ton of pain and worries of the massive bill that was coming way after what I felt as a useless ER visit. I decided to come see you with recommendations from multiple family members who already see you. I had no idea what to expect and when I got to your office I was a little skeptical. I was given the recommendation of doing fresh lemon juice first thing in the morning to get rid of my kidney stones. Within a few days I was pain free and kidney stones went away. I was also given lifestyle recommendations and other corrective exercises to do to help with lower back and neck problems. I have had multiple problems as a child that usually only adults have. As an adult I have many other issues that have taken multiple tests and failed medications for doctors to try to figure out what was wrong with me. I have spent lots of time, money and personal frustration with doctors throughout my life because they never got to the root of the problem and most of the time was never helped. I just learned to live with pain, stomach issues, and fatigue as a normal part of my life. After coming to see you I now realize most of my issues were caused by what I was eating. I am still a work in progress but working towards learning to take time for my health and for me. I'm making a conscience effort to eat better, daily stretches and exercises suited for my body. You have helped me more than any doctor I have ever been to. I wish that I met you much earlier in my life. You can tell you really care about and want to help people by your actions. I have recommended you to multiple people including getting my 78 father from GA to come see you because I didn't want him to have a surgery I felt could be solved by food and adding missing vitamins his body was lacking. I am happy to say he is starting to add more protein to his diet and eating better all around.

Thank for all that you do for all of us and I feel blessed to know you.

- Katie V


“To whom it may concern I am a 54 year old retired Registered Nurse with 22 years hospital experience heavy in management and almost all aspects of critical care ICU,CCU,PACU ER/ED and Orthopedic and Neurospecialties. As management, as charge nurse of multiple nursing departments, nursing supervisor and Director of education and Organizational Development I have written multiple departmental policies for multiple hospitals. My last 6 years attempted to go back to the bedside and move away from management as I started to see how it all involved money and started working in post anesthesia recovery for orthopedic, pulmonary neuro, and general surgeries.

On my way to recover several early morning surgical cases I had a car pull in front of my path and I hit them broad side on my Motorcycle at 55 MPH. One right reverse total shoulder replacement later and 2 left wrist surgeries with multiple plates and pins and bilateral cast both upper extremities and over a year of physical therapy, pain specialists doing stellate ganglion blocks for diagnosis of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, and recommending implanted spinal stimulator for severe pain, while Orthopedic specialist recommended ACDF and recommended possible 2 more wrist surgeries and me almost praying to the Creator to possibly take my last breath from me because of the pain. I prayed to find relief or a way to heal and for my Creator to heal me or lessen my pain and so that I would not be a burden my beloved, and to be the protector and provider that i once was. That being said...

I went to see Kim.

Kim has helped me with my pain and range of motion on first visit more than half a dozen orthopedic surgeons pain specialist and Neurologist. I am no longer on any muscle relaxers or Neurontin and my pain has decreased from debilitating to point of not being able to hardly ever sleep or focus on anything but stopping pain and spasms. I am regaining my strength and my pain and muscle spasms have decreased significantly and I am even having hope of a bearable life and even believing for gains over the next few days months and years as my Creator allows. “

- Craig, Spring Hill, Fl.

“ I first met Kim about 8 years ago. I went with my daughter who was having a lot of back pain. We were there for about 45 minutes. When we left, my daughter was feeling much better and within the next week, was able to return to doing almost all of the things she couldn't do while she was in so much pain. I had been told by doctors in the past that I had fibromyalgia and degenerative bone loss, which caused me to be in pain every single day - and I expected to live the rest of my life taking ibuprofen or other pain relievers every single day. Just talking to Kim gave me a whole new perspective. She did some simple muscle testing and found that much of the pain was being caused by certain muscles compensating for other muscles. Kim showed me what to do, and I did the exercises (gentle, targeted movements - not actually exercise!). Well, I am so happy to say that I rarely ever take any medications now, and at age 64 am definitely much healthier than I was for most of my adult life! Besides pain relief, I also learned a lot about healthy eating, dealing with psychological issues, and positivity. I highly recommend at least one visit with Kim - you will not regret it.”

-Seta P.

“Wow!! Totally blown away by the amount of pain relief even after the first visit! I was a non believer till I went, and so glad I did!! Thank you Dr. Kim!!! “

- Bill M.

“My daughter and I have never felt better and we are just beginning our healing journey! The love and encouragement on top of the wisdom and guidance makes this place the best!” - Nikki R.

“When I first met with Kimberly Miller I was suffering from severe malnutrition and general body pain that limited my ability to participate in physical activities. I had seen my strength take a dramatic hit when I was following a diet plan that I thought would lead to health. I was misled by mainstream diet information for far too long and I would have never known if Kim had not opened my eyes. She never treated me like I was sick, and that has made a world of difference. Even when I am struggling she reminds me that we are all constantly “perfecting our walk” and that fosters a healing mindset. I am forever grateful for her care and the wisdom she continues to share.

She has ignited a passion within me and opened my mind, showing me that being healthy is about Mind, Body, and Heart.”  -Kelli F

"My husband was exposed to something while working and developed bronchitis. We went to the doctor and they put him on antibiotics and a steroid. After a week he seemed better, however, within a few days the bronchitis was back and it eventually turned into pneumonia. He went to the doctor three times in the span of two weeks and nothing they were doing was helping he continued to get worse. At this point we were pretty sure that he'd been exposed to COVID at some point but doctors said there was no point testing bc he'd been sick for longer than 14 days. They were going to throw another antibiotic at him as we did not want to go to the hospital. At this point he was so weak he could hardly stand, his breathing was very labored and we were scared that he wouldn't make it. We remembered Kim and what she had done for our son-in-law and so we reached out. She met with us immediately and our journey to health began. We followed her plan to a "T" and he didn't take any drugs from that point on. Within a few days there was noticable improvement. We were amazed at the change from just eating the right foods. We continued to follow Kim's guidelines and he is now completely recovered and back to normal. We are so thankful for her help and guidance. We know that if we had stayed with conventional doctors and did what they said to do that he wouldn't be with us now. " ~ Keri, Spring Hill